My MCQ’s

1)      What are the 2 non-essential amino acids found in gelatin in large amounts.


ii) Serine





a)      ii and iii

b)      iv and v

c)      iii and iv

d)      ii and i

e)      i and iv


2)      Which of the following is false?

a)      Enzymes are not changed after a chemical reaction.

b)      Enzymes are proteins

c)      Enzymes provide the activation energy for a reaction

d)      Enzymes are specific

e)      Enzymes are catalysts

 Feel free to have a cookie if you got the questions correct.


6 thoughts on “My MCQ’s

  1. fade92 says:

    Ans to no.1 (e) i and iv
    Ans to no.2 (c) is false

  2. Daniel Sookdeo says:

    1) ‘e’
    2) ‘c’

    nb: those cookies are little salty…mite wana sharpen ur baking skillz bruh…yup…salty..lolz jk man.

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